So I’ve been thinking back to when I was a kid or more specifically when I was a teenager. Despite what you’re thinking it’s not that long ago really (even less mentally). You had the normal hang ups; Peer pressure, teenage awkwardness, girls, getting laid by aforementioned girls etc but on the whole you come out the other side generally unscathed by the teenage years. Yes of course there are exceptions to this rule. Not everyone has a nice time during their teens but surely todays teens can’t be in a much different one to when I was growing up. If not, then how the hell do you explain Emo? The original term derived from a type of music “emotive hardcore” has long since passed and now it seems to be code for moping about town centres in your Mum’s eyeliner and tight jeans moaning about how much the world sucks and that your music “deep” and “unique” when in actual fact Emo kids are the new New Romatics and the music is no deeper than Spandau Ballet or Duran Duran. You may on the other hand think they look like Goths. Beware. There are strict differences here which need to be pointed out.
Emos Hate themselves
Goths hate Everyone
Emos Want to Kill themselves
Goths Want to kill Everyone
At least it’s not just me that makes light of Emo….
Whatever it is, I probably don’t get it because I never chose to be a sheep as a teen and just got on with doing my own thing. Ditch the pack mentality, think for yourselves and you might crack a smile rather than slit a wrist.