It’s a looooong time since I’ve fired up MAME and had myself a blast at taking some high scores down. After catching up with my good friend cNp at Glasto, conversation turned, as it often does, to gaming. Gaming of both new and days of yore and as one conversation turned from Breath of the Wild, to JAMMA boards, to Vectrex and beyond, he put me onto a podcast about retro arcades, 10 Pence Arcade. Not only do these guys wax lyrical about old cabs and where to find them, upcoming meets and general 1cc goodness they also contain a nice and friendly high score challenge which runs over the two weeks until the next podcast goes up. If you’ve been following this site over the years (12 years…. crikey) then you’ll remember I went a bit bonkers not so long ago trying to work through MAME attempting to crack the world records on Twin Galaxies. I wasn’t massively successful (I currently hold a grand total of one and that’ll be be easy to beat if you’re arsed) but it was a laugh. You can se all the previous messes by checking the world record attempt over there on the sidebar. It’s not pretty… So with that I’m back at it and you can blame @chrisnparsons for that… Next I’ll be building a cab in my garage or some shit.