As I type this I do wonder if by now any of these plans have been followed. I suspect that due to too much bodily abuse the plan will have been abandoned and at this point I’ll be in the Green Fields having a massage by a cow’s udder or something… If not and I am managing to keep on keeping on, the plan for Saturday will go a little something like this;
VV Brown is on the Pyramid stage at 11:00. Quite a large stage for a solo artist that but I’m sure, with her larger than large act, she’ll pull it off. Rolf Harris follows over on the Jazz World Stage. Get your wobbleboard out for the lads. Back to the Pyramid to see Eagles Of Death Metal followed by Spinal Tap. Then it’s a toss up between Hockey at John Peel Stage, Horace Andy at the Park or The Invisible at Guardian Lounge. Depends on which is the furthest away or which way the straw poll amongst fellow team members works out I guess. A quick stop to grab some food and drink then see Passion Pit at John Peel. Amble over to the Pyramid to see Kasabian and then return to the Dance Village to firstly see DJ Yoda in Dance West and follwed by 2 Many DJs in Dance East. If after this my legs can still hack it, a must see for me this year is the Hypnotic Brass Ensemble in Club Dada followed by Damon Albarn’s cast of thousands Africa Express. Crikey. Is it really 3:30? Better get some shut eye…