Glastonbury Recap. Part 1 – Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

177,494 people, me and six friends have once again braved the elements to experience another fantastic yet muddy Glastonbury festival. I’m beginning to think Mother Nature has a serious problem with one particular weekend in June.

The whole shebang started of swimmingly on Wednesday evening. A late midnight arrival to Worthy Farm didn’t result in any serious darkness erection issues. The planned camping spot behind the railway track clearly wasn’t going to happen. It seemed that everyone had decided to turn up on the Wednesday instead of usual Thursday so a quick shufty around the new Dairy camping area was required. Near the toilets? Nah. Near bacon stall? Nah. We had a vegetarian in our midst. A few hundred metres and the large green uncamped area fit the bill. The tents were up in 30 mins even with the Stella flowing. A few more beers (a lot more actually) and it’s time to get some shut eye.

Thursday and it’s exploring time. Up to Lost Vagueness for some wierdness, across to the Avalon field to gaze longingly at the dry, comfortable Tipis, through the Circus and Cabaret to the Jazz World Stage for a beer. Pear cider had to do as strangely that was the only alcohol on sale… It was bloody strong though. A quick Pyramid Stage appreciation moment and we made ourselves comfortable outside the Queen’s Head for more alcoholic enjoyment. Many drinks later and it’s the obligatory trip up the stone circle for peace and calm and and we end the night in a hazy serene fashion.

Friday and now the rain comes as does the mud but the Dunkirk spirit kicks in and everyone just gets on with the task at hand, drinking and watching music. First band on the other stage is Mr Hudson and the Library. I couldn’t quite make out the library but I did see a band do a good set and cheer up the crowd in the process. Next up, Reverend and the Makers. This was the third time I’ve seen them and they just get better every time. The Reverend was on top form. A walking soundbite. “We’re Reverend and the Makers and we’re here to blow your heads off!” He threatened to nick Bjork’s monitors. Dedicated Armchair Detective to “bands who don’t want to speak out for fear of alienating their audience. Your band not a business. Think about it!” A great great band, who in my opinion, the only way is up. The rain and a need to locate a beer means we take shelter in the Bread and Rose beer tent. This means we miss fellow Wakefielders, The Cribs, but bump into friends from Wakefield instead. Many beers later and seeing Pritchard from Dirty Sanchez we take in the crazy sounds of Ralph Myerz and the Jack Herren Band in the Dance East tent. A “quick walk” up the new Park area means we end up missing Chas and Dave due to toilet queues but I did end up seeing a man in a boat up a tree dangling a basket for you to put wishes in. Only in Glastonbury eh? One wish later and a trundle past a mid-set The Coral to dance like a nutter to Simian Mobile Disco. If you don’t own their album, Attack Decay Sustain Release, well you should. Get it now. Right now. Next up were Kasabian and headliners Arctic Monkeys at the Pyramid Stage. Both brilliant classic-ridden sets if somewhat jarring energy forces on stage. An excellent end to another fun filled Glastonbury day. To be continued…

p.s. Don’t bug me about Glastonbury photos. They’re on their way ! Failing that add me on Facebook as they’re up there. : )

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